Start-to-Finish Integration
There is not currently an "end-to-end" test for the E-Invoice Four-Corner Model to validate the workflow in its entirety.
The next best use case is a "Start-to-Finish" of the discovery process.
Discovery validation entails testing:
1. The hashing functionality to derive the URN for look-up from the specification, the party ID, and the schema ID.
2. Executing the DNS NATPR lookup and extracting the relevant SMP URI.
3. Constructing the two REST requests including the smp service group url and the smp service url.
4. Executing the two REST requests to the SMP server.
5. Extracting the Corner 3 endpoint URI from the response from the SMP server.
This functionality is provided in the module and validation is done in a single test case called
Execute the "Start-to-Finish" test as reference in the more detailed instructions for running the test cases.
./einvoice/discovery/pytest tests/
Further review and analysis of the the Start-to_Finish process can be found in the app.log which for the module resides in the ./einvoice directory.