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Project Roadmap

Discovery #1 - SML NAPTR DNS Lookup

  1. Feature – Access Point A sends UNAPTR DNS query with a Party ID/Party ID Schema hash and obtains a valid response with connection information to the SMP.
Action Actor Scoped?
Generate the request to Access Point A, which includes Party ID, Party ID Schema, Invoice Data Seller No
Transform and format contents of Seller’s request to create UNAPTR DNS query Access Point A Yes
Query DNS. Access Point A Yes
Return response to query SML – Reply from UNAPTR DNS query. No
Receive query response from DNS, which is the URI to the SMP Access Point A Yes

Discovery #2 - SMP REST API Query

  1. Feature –Access Point A sends a REST API query to the SMP URI to obtain a valid response with connection info of target Access Point and customers invoice capabilities.
Action Actor Scoped?
Send response with SMP URI to Access Point. SML No (not in this feature)
Create REST query to service provider to obtain buyer’s service capabilities. Access Point A Yes
Send REST query to service provider to obtain participant’s service capabilities. Access Point A Yes
Receive query and send response with Sellers Capabilities and route to endpoint. SMP No
Receive response to query of participant’s capabilities. Access Point A Yes

Delivery - AS4 Message Exchange

  1. Feature – An invoice with a semantically correct format is delivered using AS4 protocol.
Action Actor Scoped?
Compose semantically correct E-Invoice based on response from service provider about participant’s capabilities. Access Point A Yes
Format E-Invoice in compliant AS4 format. Access Point A Yes
Send E-Invoice to final destination obtained from SMP service provider. Access Point A Yes
Receives the request. Access Point B No