Creating the SML URN Hash
The SML look-up is a NAPTR DNS query which returns the URL of the SMP. The record queried is a URN constructed from the combined Specification, Schema, and Party ID and then hashed. After the hash is created, the URN is combined with the look-up domain. This combination of URN and domain is the record locator for the information in the DNS.
The Python code, as script, function, or method, provides elaboration and implementation of the process as described in Section 3.2 of the BPC SML Profile Version 1.0 document found on the BPC-Exchange-Framework/BPC-Market-Pilot Github site.
The BPC SML Domain
The BPC SML Domain is:
Information needed to create the URN
Three data points are required to create the URN:
- Specification (urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type)
- Schema (iso6523:0060)
- PartyID
Format of Specification, Schema, and Party ID is assumed to be conformant
The standard articulated for an ebCorePartyId referenced in the Business Document Metadata Service Location Version 1.0 referring to the OASIS ebCore Party Id Type Technical Specification Version 1.0 provides normative guidelines for the values used for the Specification and Schema.
This code does not validate or enforce compliance with those standards. There is no Inspection or validation of values used for the Specification, Schema, and Party ID used to create a URN hash for look-up. Conformance for those values are assumed, however the code works on any string of data.
Example - Creating the URN hash
1. Import Modules
The hashlib
and bas64
Python modules are used in this process.
import hashlib
import base64
2. Concatenate the string
Strings are a primitive data type in Python. Instantiate and initialize string variables for the individual data values and concatenate them into a single string. Simple validation of the correct format of the urn is included.
specification = "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered:myscheme"
schema = "BPC01"
party_id = "bpcBusid01"
urn = specification + ":" + schema + "::" + party_id
urn_test_case =
print(f"urn is concatenated properly: {urn == urn_test_case}")
Note the use of a single and a double colon as separators between the values. These are includes as part of the string and are required.
3. Convert to lower-case
Implements the Python String lower()
lower_case_urn = urn.lower()
print(f"URN converted to lower case: {lower_case_urn}")
4. Encode as utf-8
The sha256 and base32 operations done on the string are Buffered Protocols,
which requires that they be in a
bytes-like object
format in Python. This is obtained using the String encode()
method specifying "utf-8" as the format.
The bytes(x, encoding, error)
function could also be used here.
urn_encoded = lower_case_urn.encode('utf-8')
print (f"URN encoded as utf-8: {urn_encoded}")
5. Create sha256 hash
This implements the sha256()
method of the hashlib module imported in Step #1.
sha256_urn = hashlib.sha256(urn_encoded)
print (f"URN hashed using sha256 {sha256_urn}")
6. Obtain the 'digest'
The digest is the concatenation of all of the data fed into the hash so far, i.e., the current value.
(Though implemented as a single operation here, the buffered protocol allows for additions and updates to the hash.) The digest()
method is included in the hashlib
sha256_digest = sha256_urn.digest()
print(f"Digest of buffered stream containing results thus far: {sha256_digest}")
7. Encode into base32
Why encode in base32?
Encryption using sha256 results in a one-way hash. The original value of the URN is not intended to be derived from that hash as that is cryptographically impossible. (Encoding the sha256 hash into base32 is not one way.)
The sha256 hash is 256 bits, or 32 bytes. A two digit hexadecimal representation of the 32 byte hash is 64 characters long. Since base32 encoding has a character set of 32 compared to hexadecimal's 16, the sha256 hashed value can be represented in 32 characters in base32 instead of the 64 required for hex.
The irreversibility of the sha256 hash implies that the process is cryptographically significant. It is not. The hashed URN is ultimately used as a dictionary look-up in the DNS record for a given domain. Where a common specification and schema are in use by many participants, it becomes imperative that the PartyIDs are unique for a specific domain. Otherwise, while a sha256 hash can't be reversed, it can be duplicated.
The output of this process is a 256 bit/32 byte value represented in a base 32 character set.
Take the digest entry, still a bytes-like object, and encode it in base32,
resulting in a string 32 characters in length. This implements the b32encode
method of the base64 module.
b32_urn = base64.b32encode(sha256_digest)
print(f"The base32 encoded representation of the URN: {b32_urn}")
8. Strip off extras
The base32 encoding may result in extra characters at the end of the string.
The rstrip
String method is used to
remove any of this additional padding at the end of the string.
b32_urn_clean = b32_urn.rstrip(b"=")
print(f"The URN with any padding removed {b32_urn_clean}")
9. Convert back to a String
The object is still in a binary or bytes-like object format.
Convert it back into a String primitive using the String decode('utf-8)
where 'utf-8' was the original encoding method.
b32_str = b32_urn_clean.decode('utf-8')
10. Convert to lower-case
Per the specification, ensure the output is entirely in lowercase.
This implements the String lower()
method again.
final = b32_str.lower()
Final Output
The final output of the hash algorithm.
print(f"The final result: {final}")
The entirety of the Python code for the hash algorithm - can be run as a script or a function.
# Example Constructing a URN for SML DNS NAPTR look-up
# import the modules
import hashlib
import base64
# get the urn
specification = "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered:myscheme"
schema = "BPC01"
party_id = "bpcBusid01"
urn = specification + ":" + schema + "::" + party_id
urn_test_case =
print(f"urn is concatenated properly: {urn == urn_test_case}")
# make sure it's converted to lower case
lower_case_urn = urn.lower()
print(f"URN converted to lower case {lower_case_urn}")
# has to be a byte-like object to be hashed, so encode it as utf-8
urn_encoded = lower_case_urn.encode('utf-8')
print (f"URN encoded as utf-8: {urn_encoded}")
# now create the sha256 hash of it
sha256_urn = hashlib.sha256(urn_encoded)
# get the current value of the buffer stream
sha256_digest = sha256_urn.digest()
print(f"Digest of buffered stream containing results thus far: {sha256_digest}")
#encode into b32
b32_urn = base64.b32encode(sha256_digest)
print(f"The base32 encoded representation of the URN: {b32_urn}")
# strip off the equals sign....
b32_urn_clean = b32_urn.rstrip(b"=")
print(f"The URN with any padding removed {b32_urn_clean}")
# convert it back to string.
b32_str = b32_urn_clean.decode('utf-8')
# make sure it's in lower case again.
final = b32_str.lower()
# This should be your final answer
print(f"The final result: {final}")
urn is concatenated properly: True
URN converted to lower case: urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered:myscheme:bpc01::bpcbusid01
URN encoded as utf-8: b'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered:myscheme:bpc01::bpcbusid01'
URN hashed using sha256 <sha256 _hashlib.HASH object @ 0x106202710>
Digest of buffered stream containing results thus far: b'\xc3{4\xfc3"\xdb\xc1u\xdcd\xe8\xbf\xe2\xad\x86\xdfjxob\x1e\'\x17\x8f\xb0\x83!\xec\x15\xab~'
The base32 encoded representation of the URN: b'YN5TJ7BTELN4C5O4MTUL7YVNQ3PWU6DPMIPCOF4PWCBSD3AVVN7A===='
The final result: yn5tj7bteln4c5o4mtul7yvnq3pwu6dpmipcof4pwcbsd3avvn7a