Getting the code.
Pulling the code from GitHub
The E-Invoice-Onboarding-Toolkit is a public repository. The code is freely available under an MIT License for individuals and organizations to pull, review, and modify as they chose in order to further their participation with the project.
It is entirely possible to pull the code from GitHub anonymously using a link from within the repo.
Pulling the code from GitHub
Look for the green "Code" button which will provide links to clone the code using https, ssh, the git desktop, or a zip file.
This is going to pull the repo at the root ./e-invoice-Onboarding-Toolkit level so this directory must not already exist when pulled down or it will overwrite the contents of the pre-existing directlry.
Open the folder as a project within your IDE or editor of choice.
Those who would like to become more involved and want to do more than anonymously pull code can contribute by:
Creating a GitHub account if one hasn't already been created.
Installing the GitHub CLI or the GitHub desktop application
Configuring the personal profile and Secure Shell/SSH keys to securely submit code to the repository.
Contributing code and creating pull requests to integrate with the repo.